36 weeks along... today we had another ultrasound to see if the baby had turned (she's been breech the whole time). Unfortunately she has decided to remain upside down (for a baby). We get one more week to see if she will flip or else we will be scheduled for a c-section a week before our due date. While looking at the ultrasound the baby was measured and found to be about 2 weeks behind in size. She is 4 lb 12 oz (10th percentile). Due to this new information I will now be making a trip to the doctor on Tuesdays and Fridays for non-stress tests to monitor her a little more closely. We just have to keep an eye on her. So far the fluid is normal and so is her heart rate (133 today). We just have to keep mommy as stress free as possible with lots of rest and fluids. I'm still trying to decide when to stop working and I want to make sure I will have as much of the 3 months off actually WITH the baby so please pray that we make the right decision regarding this new situation. Here's a pic of me now at 36 weeks. I think my belly looks pretty big for having such a small baby! Now I know this weight gain is more me than the baby... bummer.
Hey Amy! You are looking really good! I'll be praying for you guys and your decisions. Kelly
Love you guys and praying for you! God is knitting together a wonderful baby just for you. :)
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