Today I awoke at 4 a.m. (nothing too new for bathroom trips) with a strange feeling. My abdomen was very rigid. I couldn't fall back to sleep and I got up and went to the couch and decided to rest there. I started to realize that the rigid pain was coming every 10-15 min. but the baby was moving around just fine. I just felt very wiped out. I waited until about 2 p.m. and the pain still wasn't disappearing so I gave in and called my doctor. The doctor on call told me that I should come into the hospital to be check out to make sure I really wasn't in labor. So, off to Metro we went. As the nurse was hooking me up to the monitor she asked if I was having that pain right then and I was so she pointed out to us on the monitor that indeed it was a contraction! The baby's heart beat remained at 150 the entire time we were at the hospital and after the exam we were told that there was no labor going on.... thank God!! I have an infection that can be treated and the contractions should subside as the infection goes away. It was such a relief to know that our little girl is just fine and that mommy will be soon too :) What an exciting day! I'm hoping we don't have any more of these but I am thankful that there are very helpful health care providers to take good care of us when we need them.